Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays and All That

DSC_1161, originally uploaded by jake orr.

I admit to a bit of egotism on this one. Let's just get that out of the way. I mean, how often do I get to be in my own pictures? Not often enough if you ask me.

My most excellent family is really the subject of this photo though. And pretty great they are. The holidays are a convenient excuse for us to get together, eat yum yums, and generally entertain one another. This year my Aunt Carol had the lovely idea of doing a family portrait; I'd say it's been a good 10 years at least since we've actually done one of these things.

Seeing as yours truly likes taking pictures and I just happened to have the required equipment I volunteered my services for the event. Getting everyone in there required some tricksies. I used my little wireless remote which was cheap like borsch and is quite the handy little devil. It's not the kind of thing I use very often so every time it takes a little experimenting to get right. It does require line of sight so that's why you can see it in these pictures.

Hold on, something just occurred to me. If I had been really quick off the draw I could have used the remote in conjunction with the timer. That way I could have held my arm up to use the remote then, while the timer guy was counting down, I could have calmly lowered my freaking arm to get the remote out of the picture. Ah well, live and learn. Next time maybe I'll remember this little revelation. You know, if I'm lucky.

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